Saturday, August 18, 2007

Love is a choice

Withholding love is a bit like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. You may hold back your love in the name of security or safety, but these are illusions, and in time you will stand as a dwarf compared to the person you could have potenially become if you had chosen love.

Love is a choice. When we choose love, our spirit expands. When we choose not to love, our spirit shrivels.

The Seven Levels of Intimacy: the Art of Loving and the Joy of Being Loved, by Matthew Kelly

Friday, August 3, 2007

Love is exposing

Love is exposing ourselves in the purest and most open of ways with no expectations and given freely without any conditions. To love is to risk not being loved. As a result, people often morph the idea of love into something that is more about what they receive and makes them feel good about themselves. But love is about the other, not the self.

And yet in a complicated, doesn’t make obvious sense kind of way, loving another selflessly is the key to true happiness within one’s self.

Love - The Gift of Peace

Love is not something you do,
Love is a way of being.
And more than that.
It is simply being,
Being with another person,
however they may be.
Holding no judgments,
having no agendas,
No desire to control,
No need to prove your love,
No intrusion upon their soul.
Nothing but a total acceptance of their being,
Born of your acceptance of yours.